Wednesday, June 5, 2013

News bout GHS

(FOMCA) and UNITAR recognize the importance of the Globally Harmonized System and chemical hazard communication as a key tool for protecting the health of people and the environment; the need to address human resource development issues regarding chemical hazard communication; and the broader need to strengthen national and regional capacities for management of chemicals in line with Chapter 19 of Agenda 21.

     In order to support a regional Chemical Safety awareness raising for consumers in South East Asia (SEA) countries and recognize the important contributions of key international actors for chemical hazard communication, including OECD, WHO, FAO, ILO and other Inter-Organization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals (IOMC) participating organizations, with the financial support from European Union (EU), FOMCA together with UNITAR has conducted a regional campaign for chemicals safety involving consumer associations from 10 SEA countries (Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao DPR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam).

Chemical hazard

A chemical hazard is any substance that can cause harm to people. Chemicals of all kinds are stored in our homes and can result in serious injuries if not properly handled. Household items such as bleach can result in harmful chlorine gas or hydrochloric acid.


     A federal law called the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act gives us the right to know about toxic chemicals being released into the environment.

     We can view this information on the quantities of toxic chemicals at the Web site As I obtained these information from website of Oak Ridge, the way I know is entering the Oak Ridge zip code "37831" to view those information.

     Nowadays, not all the industries make things suitable for human. We have the responsibility to make sure those dangerous things cannot endanger us.   

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Share a news

Read a news and just want to share...

     Fomca  had called on the government to create the first home subsidy to people who enjoy it subject to a minimum period of ownership before they can be sold.

     The vice President FOMCA Sha'ani Abdullah, said he supports the proposal that the government set a minimum period of ownership up to 10 years, but the policy of subsidies to offset the purchase of a house so it was not disputed when implemented. He said that however, the first home subsidy is only available to people who qualify based on income and family size. In this context, a very important aspect of family size and should be taken into account.

    For example, compare a person who earns RM3, 500 a month but rather the 12 children, with another lower-income but no more charges.

     Chairman of the National Housing Company Limited (NHC), Datuk Idris Haron, was quoted as saying this as some of the home buying purely for investment and doubled profits through reselling. 

     Sha'ani said, such an investment strategy, no longer going to burden the less fortunate who really need a house first. Therefore, he ask questions orally to the Parliament Secretariat asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government to state the steps taken by the government to control the extreme house prices, especially in urban areas, the Third Meeting of the Fifth Division of the 12th Parliament began 24 September.

Taken from "Berita Harian,FOMCA syor subsidi rumah pertama,2012/08/31

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Write a complaint letter

To make a complaint, we can write a complaint letter, call to the office in charge or go to the office. To get a good reaction for your complaint, you have to know how to write a good complaint letter..

Features of an effective complaints letters:

  •      Concise : understandable
  •      Authoritative : well written and professionally presented,
  •      Factual : enable readers  to see immediately all the details, 
  •      Constructive : with positive statements and suggesting     positive actions,
  •      Friendly.

     The best way on helping you to write a complaint letter is imagine you are the person receiving the letters.Your letter should encourage them to respond positively and helpfully to the complaint.No matter you are going to punch the one you are sending the letter to, it does not help for him to give you a good reaction.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

How to find FOMCA?


     After knowing what is FOMCA, I would like to show where is FOMCA. We can refer to the map beside.

     Consumers who want to make any complaint can go to office of FOMCA located at No. 1D-1, Bangunan SKPPK, Jalan SS9A/17 47300, Petaling Jaya,Selangor, Malaysia. If it is too far from where you live, you can make a call to their office which are 
+(603) - 7876 2009 / 7875 6370/7877 1076.

     Another way to contact FOMCA is to go to their website, the URL is can also make our complaints to the National Consumer Complaints Centre (NCCC) which website is  

      Their office hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. , every Monday to Friday. We have to look out because they are closed for public holidays according to Selangor and national holidays.


Monday, April 22, 2013

Welcome!! What is FOMCA?

First of all, welcome to my blog!!! In this blog, I would like to talk about Federation of Malaysian Consumers Associations (FOMCA). 
     Had you found a fly in your fried rice when you were enjoying your meal at a restaurant? Had you bought any expired product from a shop? When your right as a consumer have been deprived, what will you do? Will you complain? Who will you complain to?  At that moment, you have to complain to FOMCA.

 What is FOMCA?

FOMCA is a national non-governmental organization, which is voluntary, non-profit, non-political, and civic oriented. It is the umbrella body of registered consumer associations in Malaysia. FOMCA links the activities of consumers' associations in Malaysia and works together with the national and international levels towards strengthening consumer protection. The summary is, FOMCA is the one who protect the consumers' right from being deprived.

     We must rejoice that in Malaysia, there is an organization that help us to uphold our right, to protect us from heartless businessman.