Sunday, April 28, 2013

How to find FOMCA?


     After knowing what is FOMCA, I would like to show where is FOMCA. We can refer to the map beside.

     Consumers who want to make any complaint can go to office of FOMCA located at No. 1D-1, Bangunan SKPPK, Jalan SS9A/17 47300, Petaling Jaya,Selangor, Malaysia. If it is too far from where you live, you can make a call to their office which are 
+(603) - 7876 2009 / 7875 6370/7877 1076.

     Another way to contact FOMCA is to go to their website, the URL is can also make our complaints to the National Consumer Complaints Centre (NCCC) which website is  

      Their office hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. , every Monday to Friday. We have to look out because they are closed for public holidays according to Selangor and national holidays.


Monday, April 22, 2013

Welcome!! What is FOMCA?

First of all, welcome to my blog!!! In this blog, I would like to talk about Federation of Malaysian Consumers Associations (FOMCA). 
     Had you found a fly in your fried rice when you were enjoying your meal at a restaurant? Had you bought any expired product from a shop? When your right as a consumer have been deprived, what will you do? Will you complain? Who will you complain to?  At that moment, you have to complain to FOMCA.

 What is FOMCA?

FOMCA is a national non-governmental organization, which is voluntary, non-profit, non-political, and civic oriented. It is the umbrella body of registered consumer associations in Malaysia. FOMCA links the activities of consumers' associations in Malaysia and works together with the national and international levels towards strengthening consumer protection. The summary is, FOMCA is the one who protect the consumers' right from being deprived.

     We must rejoice that in Malaysia, there is an organization that help us to uphold our right, to protect us from heartless businessman.